Mission-Driven Advisory and Management Services

Philanthropy-Strategist Group partners with funders, nonprofit organizations and venture philanthropists to accelerate their mission and build capacity for measurable social impact through expertly tailored strategic planning and advisory services.



Philanthropy-Strategist Group works with a broad range of organizations: families and individual donors, family offices, private foundations and public charities: to address how they can most effectively and purposefully allocate their resources to create lasting value and contribute to the social and economic advancement of their community. We address the organizational capacity, program directives, collaborative partnerships, performance measurement, subject matter analysis and strategic planning of your charitable portfolio.

Services include establishment of your charitable giving vehicle, mission and program planning, grants management and administration, investment policy and financial planning, and evaluation of grantmaking opportunities specific to your field of interest. We work with clients through each step of the process; build-out, design, and operational activities for effective, sustainable philanthropic programs.


Private Foundations

Create a pathway with practical purpose and focus of your foundation’s mission with evaluation of your role in the sector and receive guidance in partnering with high-performing nonprofit organizations to accelerate targeted program initiatives.


Public charities

Build an infrastructure for leadership development, program directives, effective service delivery and evaluate strategies for partnering with community stakeholders committed to your mission.


individual donors/families

Evaluate options for philanthropic planning and identify values-based solutions for establishing a legacy of social impact. Expert guidance helps you discover what matters most and those opportunities that best advance your goals.